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The Nest - Resource Base Hub

We are pleased to share that we now have an additional classroom on site at Westcliff Primary Academy.  The Nest is a base classroom that supports children with social, emotional and mental health needs. Our children who are part of the Nest have been referred by the Devon SEND 0-25 team. Our children have complex needs which we aim to support through relationships, tailored learning experiences and bespoke interventions. 


When they join the Nest they will be on roll at Westcliff. Our hope for the children in the Nest is for them to be able to access their assigned year group class with the support of the Nest by the time they are in year 6. We have two full time staff, the teacher Mrs Gibbings and the higher level teaching assistant Mrs Buckingham (Mrs B).


If you have been referred by SEN 0-25 team and would like to book a viewing please contact 01626 862444
