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At Westcliff Primary Academy we believe that children should have leadership opportunities throughout their school life.  Every child has the opportunity to be a leader from small roles that happen in the classroom to roles which have an impact on the whole school and last throughout the year.

House Captains/Prefects

The whole school votes to choose their House

Captain for the school year from their House Groups. The Year 6's provide the House Captains and Prefects. Their roles are varied and include taking visitors for tours of the school, helping in our assemblies and leading their own House Assemblies. They play an important role in our Sports Days.

School Council

The School Council members are elected by the class members each year and working alongside a teacher they meet at least once every half term. They are involved in discussions about events, activities and changes across the school as well as running their own Fundraising for additional resources.

Please click on the link to find out more about our School Council


Children in Year 5 and 6 are given the opportunity to become Play Leaders. This role is supported by one of our TA's and they assist the Meal Time Assistant's in getting equipment out at lunchtimes, supervising games and activities and helping the younger pupils to improve their skills. Some of our Play Leaders attend the Playleader Conferences run by Dartmoor Schools Sports Partnership. There is always a lot of enthusiasm from the children to become a Play Leader.

Ethos Team

The Ethos team works alongside Mrs Passey and Reverend Alan Smith attending Ethos Days with other Federation School members. Please click on the link below to find out more about our Ethos Team.
