First Federation Trust
Approach to Writing Y2-6
Our writing sequences of learning are designed to develop pupils’ knowledge and skills as well as motivate and promote enjoyment within writing. English sequences are driven by high-quality texts and quality model texts that are deliberately chosen or written to promote a firm understanding of age-related writing, grammar, and vocabulary which can then be applied independently.
We focus on ensuring pupils understand the audience and purpose of their writing and why different skills enhance their writing. This is supported by working walls in our classrooms. We aim for each writing unit to start with a ‘hook’ lesson to inspire pupils and increase their engagement within the unit, this might include video stimulus, reenacting the story, use of props and pictures.
Each sequence of learning allows pupils time to gather ideas, plan, draft, revise and edit. Pupils also have opportunities to publish their writing and share with the intended audience. Within writing lessons, teachers model using shared writes and ‘think aloud’ approaches.
At the start of each term, we begin with a Take One Book approach where a high-quality picture book is selected and pupils have time to explore before having opportunities to revise objectives and create short cross-genre outcomes.
Across the curriculum, pupils also have opportunities to write within their learning in a range of genres.
Writing is celebrated in every classroom and a writing certificate is presented to a pupil in each class during our celebration assembly.
Assessment of Writing
Writing is teacher-assessed throughout the term and extended pieces are used to inform end-of-term judgements using assessment criteria for each year group based on the Primary National Curriculum.