First Federation Trust
Home Learning Information for Parents and Carers
Home Learning - Day one
Home Learning Timetable
If you are unable to access Seesaw or if your child finds it easier to work from a paper copy, we can provide a hard copy on request.
Foundation Home Learning Menu
Year 1 Home Learning Menu
Year 2 - Home Learning Menu
Year 3 Home Learning Menu
Year 4 Home Learning Menu
Year 5 - Home Learning Menu
Year 6 Home Learning Menu
Visual Timetable
- For some children, the lack of routine can be an unsettling time. This document can be printed in order to create a daily visual timetable so that children know the structure of their day ahead.
Nurture activities ( Social & Emotional)
Useful Resources and Websites
CAP - Children's Activity Booklet
Family support (ELSA)
A great website for support on a range of areas, including: mental health, managing emotions, friendships, bereavement, daily routines and much more!
BBC Newsround – daily news updates in a child friendly way
Oxford Reading Buddy Guide

NumBots 🤖 now available to download - children can use their existing Times Table Rockstars 🎸 username and password to log in