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UNIT 2 - Year 3 and 4


Unit 2 visited Paignton Zoo.

Our visit to Paignton Zoo.

As part of our topic learning this term. Our focus for the day was understanding the impact of deforestation and understanding why animals are endangered.

We made rain sticks ready to perform our rainforest soundtrack.

Photos from our Unit 2 mountain biking enrichment sessions...

Our Year 4 residential to Heatree House

Paignton Zoo Trip - 7th June 2018

Summer Term Newsletter and Curriculum Planning

The Roman invasion.

The Roman invasion.

The children in Unit 2 have immersed themselves into two days of workshops focused on understanding life from the point of view of British people living in Britain during the time of the Roman invasion. As part of the workshops, we participated in Roman Army battle formations. 

We created Roman shields ready for our Roman workshops

Roman Day Workshop

We took part in a maths investigation day to support the site manager of our new school building.

After writing persuasive speeches as Boudicca, Queen of the British Celtic Iceni tribe, we created portraits of the powerful leader.

Prior to writing our Roman diary entries, we got into the role of a soldier and interviewed each other.

Spring Term Newsletter and Curriculum Planning

Unit 2 - Project Based Learning Invite

Year 4 Residential

Autumn Term Newsletter & Curriculum Planning

Greek Day - Friday 8th September

We created Greek vases by using an engraving technique
