First Federation Trust
Covid19 - Latest Information 👇
Risk Assessment
Covid19 - Information 2020/21 👇
COVID19 - Hardship Fund
Teignbridge Council have a Hardship fund available for families who are directly impacted financially by the pandemic, this is up to £200 which will pay a bill directly. There is also Housing solution helpline available on 01626 215347, to give direct advice if families are struggling with debt or risk of losing their home. Please see the leaflet below for more information.
COVID-19 related pupil absences
Returning to Primary School - What parents need to know
Effective infection protection and control
These include:
- minimising contact with individuals who are unwell by ensuring that those who have coronavirus symptoms, or who have someone in their household who does, do not attend childcare settings, schools or colleges
- cleaning hands more often than usual - wash hands thoroughly for 20 seconds with running water and soap and dry them thoroughly or use alcohol hand rub or sanitiser ensuring that all parts of the hands are covered
- ensuring good respiratory hygiene by promoting the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach
- cleaning frequently touched surfaces often using standard products, such as detergents and bleach
- minimising contact and mixing by altering, as much as possible, the environment (such as classroom layout) and timetables (such as staggered break times)
Partial Reopening of School
Health and Hygiene:
The following advice is based on the current Government advice. We will not adapt these systems.
• If your child exhibits any symptoms – DO NOT bring them into school.
• Please notify us immediately to let us know what symptoms they have and when they appeared.
• Children and their families are now able to have a COVID test and this should be arranged as soon as possible. Please share the result with us.
• Whilst waiting for a test, please isolate for up to 14 days.
• If a child develops symptoms during the school day, they will be removed from the classroom to a designated space. They will remain here until you can come and collect them. A test can be arranged. Other children can continue to attend school, unless they display symptoms.
• If a child has a positive test, the rest of the children in the class bubble will be sent home for 14 days. Family members do not need to isolate, unless your child starts to show symptoms.
• When children arrive at school they will wash hands immediately
• They will wash hands throughout the day and anti-bacterial hand gel will be available throughout the school
• Children will be encouraged to keep their distance throughout the day. This is unlikely to always happen in Early Years Classrooms.
• Classrooms will have extra cleaning on a daily basis and Early Years equipment will be sterilised every day.
• Face masks should not be worn in school.
• If face masks are worn on the way to school, they need to be placed in a sealable plastic bag during the school day and taken home
Drop off and pick up for children in Foundation and Year 1
Haldon 09.10 and 15.30
Cofton 08.50 and 15.10
Aller 09.00 and 15.20
Drop off and pick up for Year 2 - key worker and vulnerable children
Drop off and pick up for Years 3, 4 & 5 - key workers and vulnerable children
Mamhead 09.00 and 15.20
Powderham 09.10 and 15.30
Year 6 pupil entrance
• Easton Year 6 students will be taught by Miss Warren - Drop off 8.50, pick up 15.10
• Luscombe Year 6 students will be taught by Miss Rundle - Drop off 09.00, pick up 15.20
• Belvedere Year 6 students will remain at home
Wednesday and Thursday
• Belvedere Year 6 students will be taught by Mrs Barton - Drop off 8.50, pick up 15.10
• Easton Year 6 students will remain at home
• Luscombe Year 6 students will remain at home