First Federation Trust
Welcome to the Unit 2 web page
Here you will find copies of our newsletters and dates for your diaries! We also hope you enjoy looking at what the children have been learning about.
Unit Leader - Miss Lauren Crichard
Class Teachers
Miss Crichard - Ashcombe Year 3/4
Miss Maggs - Shaldon Year 3/4
Miss Warren - Mamhead Year 3/4
Meet the Teachers
Contact us:
Year 4 Letter re Times Tables
Summer half-term 2
Unit 2 have had an amazing final term of school this year. The children have worked super hard in all their learning and shown they are ready to move up a class next year. Well done Unit 2 on a fantastic year, have a fantastic summer holidays and we look forward to seeing you all back in September!
All classes had a fantastic trip to Dawlish Warren. They learnt all about Sea defences; looking at what sea defence we have here in Dawlish. The children also had to create their own Sea defence to protect their sand castle from incoming storms. The children really enjoyed themselves and were perfect role models for Westcliff.
Summer half-term 1
Unit 2 have had a very busy half term. In science we have been learning about the digestive system. The children have used their scientific skills to recreate the digestive system and to explain the process. In History we have been learning about Ancient Egypt. The children have learnt about the importance of the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses and learnt about the mummification process by mummifying a tomato. During French lessons the children have been learning to pronounce colours and fruits in French. They have also learnt by listening to clips in French and order fruits accordingly. Our music learning this term has been to sing in unison and in rounds where the children had great fun learning songs like Kookaburra and Frere Jacques. For maths learning, we have been focusing on Fractions. The year fours have been learning to convert fractions from improper fractions to Mixed numbers and have to add and subtract fractions. The year threes have been learning about unit fractions and finding unit fractions of shapes and amounts. Our writing this term has been on two main genres. Firstly we wrote a non-fiction discussion text demonstrating our skills to construct a balance argument on a chosen topic and finally the children have been demonstrating their story-writing skills by recreating a text through a different character perspective.
Spring half-term 2
This half term Unit 2 have be working very hard. For English we have been using a text called 'A Pebble in my Pocket' to develop our use of similes and personification. In Maths Year 3 have been learning to complete column addition and subtraction where Year 4 have been learning about coordinates and translating shapes. In Geography we have been completing a country study on Germany and in Design and Technology the children have designed and created a phone case using their sewing skills. For science we have looked at electricity. The children learnt about the different elements of a circuit and about keeping safe around electricity.
Spring half-term 1
Unit 2 have had a fantastic half term! We have been working very hard with our writing, reading and maths. The children have also had a go at recorders in music learning to play a whole tune! They have also been developing their ball and racket skills in tennis lessons in PE. In History we have been learning about the Vikings and the battle of Hastings. In Science the children have been exploring the water cycle and using condensation to grow Cress!
The whole Unit have been trying to improve their tennis skills in PE. The children have developed their ball and racket skills by using cones to to improve their hand eye co-ordination before moving on to rackets.
In Art the children have been completing an Artist study of Henri Matisse. We had a go at colour matching one of his pieces of art and looked at improving our brush strokes. We then had a go at recreating one of Henri Matisse's paintings.
In Music, we have been learning music with Mrs Harvey. The children have had a great time learning to read music and play short tunes on the recorders. They have also had a go at writing music and creating their own scores.
Newsletters 2021/22
2020/21 ⬇️ including lockdown learning