First Federation Trust
Welcome to the Unit 3 web page
Here you will find copies of our newsletters and dates for your diaries! We also hope you enjoy looking at what the children have been learning about.
Unit Leader - Mrs Kate Collins
Class Teachers
Mrs Collins & Mrs Watts - Holcombe Year 5
Mrs Walters - Luscombe Year 5
Mrs Cleaver & Mrs Hearn - Belvedere Year 6
Mr McLarnon - Eastdon Year 6
Meet the Teachers
Contact us:
Summer half-term 2
What an exciting and jam packed term we’ve had in Unit 3! The children have worked so hard and have participated in some super learning experiences.
Summer half-term 1

PGL Residential Information 8th - 10th June 2022
Spring half-term 2
The children in Unit 3 have had another really busy, but productive half term. In English, the year 5's have been working hard on producing their own persuasive letter to Mr Webb, linking to why they feel afternoon break times are important for Key stage 2 pupils. they have also continued to develop their understanding of decimals within maths including representation of wholes, tenths, hundredths and thousandths.
In year 6 maths, the children have been working hard preparing for their SAT tests early next term. They have covered; fractions and percentages, statistics, properties of shape and finally solving problems involving different scales and units of measure. Within English lessons, year 6 have written their own suspense stories and non-fiction explanation reports, explaining how a rocket is launched into space.
Transition to Secondary School.
In March, Mrs Bukowski from Dawlish College visited the Year 6 children here at Westcliff. This provided them with an opportunity to ask questions and to find out a little bit more about the college. There will be an open evening at the College on Tuesday 26th April 2022.
New Year 7 Welcome Evening at Dawlish College
Spring half-term 1
Unit 3 have had a really busy half term – everyone has been working incredibly hard!
Year 5 have enjoyed producing some traditional Apache stories as a part of their learning in English. Our writing unit has now moved on to focus on Harry Potter, which has given an exciting hook to engage the children in their learning. All of the children in Year 5 have written descriptive paragraphs about the magical modes of transport, focusing on powerful verbs, similes and metaphors, to capture the readers' imagination. Year 5 have developed their knowledge and understanding of Ancient Benin culture within history this term and are moving on to apply their knowledge of the famous ‘Benin Bronze’ sculptures to develop their skills in art and design. They have also investigated the different life cycles of amphibians and insects in science and have come up with lots of questions to research. Year 5 have been working hard on their times tables and being able to speed their times up for answering these. Our times table 'superstars' will be revealed in the next Unit newsletter, watch this space...
Year 6 have become fully immersed in their writing hook for the half term and have been creating their own spooky stories based around ‘Alma’ and have developed writing techniques to build tension and atmosphere in a setting. They have also produced some impressive artwork based around the Artist M C Escher, focusing particularly on skills such as perspective and developing tone. Year 6 have been developing their coding skills using discovery coding. They have learnt how to add text and images and have now progressed to designing their own apps. They have come up with some very original ideas! We must also mention how proud we are of year 6 in particular - as the oldest children in the school, they continue to be excellent role models to those who are younger throughout the school.
A huge congratulations to our year 5 and 6 pupils who attended Dawlish College at the beginning of the term for their multi-skills festival. Also, to those who participated in the netball festival, You all showed a huge amount of determination and sportsmanship and always, we received some lovely feedback about how well our pupils participated. Well done everyone!
Year 5 have been enjoying baking with Mrs Cleaver. Unit 3 are also continuing to raise a super amount through bake sales. Thank you so much for everyone's support.
Newsletters 2021/22
2020/21 ⬇️ including lockdown learning