First Federation Trust
Welcome to the KS2 web page
Here you will find copies of our unit newsletters and dates for your diaries! We also hope you enjoy looking at what the children have been learning about each term.
Class Teachers
Mrs Feeney - Year 3 POWDERHAM
Mr Smart - Year 3 SHALDON
Mrs Cleaver & Mrs Deacon - Year 4/5 ASHCOMBE
Mr Pantelli - Year 4/5 MAMHEAD
Mrs Walters - Year 4/5 HOLCOMBE
Mrs Barton & Mrs Hearn - Year 6 BELVEDERE
Miss Warren - Year 6 EASTDON
Contact us via Seesaw, School Gateway or
Autumn π Term 1 2023
Year 3βββββββ
Year 3 have settled into Key Stage 2 quickly and they've had a brilliant half term. In English the children have been writing diary entries linked to the Scarab story, creating their own losing tale linked to Oliver Jeffer's How to Catch a Star and more recently studying instruction texts. In Maths, the children began the year with adding and subtracting across 10 and are now learning about numbers within 1,000. The children were keen to show off their practise of number bonds to 100.
Key Stage 2 children begin to learn French at Westcliff. Year 3 were very excited to learn the numbers to 10 in our first half term. We learned the numbers, sang a song together, and created birthday cards using our ages written in French. In Science, Year 3 have been studying the flowering life cycle of plants. We examined and labelled the different parts of a flowering plant. We also explored how water is transported around a plant and undertook our own investigation to establish exactly what plants need to grow.
Year 4/5
It's been an exciting first half term in year 4/5, we've been focusing on story writing with a focus on animal conservation and picture books. The children produced some fantastically creative stories with some amazing vocabulary. In maths year 5 have been focusing on decimal place with values to hundredths. Year 4 have been recapping addition and subtraction using the column method.
In the foundation subjects, year 4/5 spent time looking at how wheels and axis work by designing and making some great space buggies in D&T! In PE, year 4/5 have developed their skills in netball, learning different positions and passes to use within a competitive game play.
Year 6
Year 6 have had a brilliant half-term. In History, we have been learning about the impacts of WWII and it was so nice to see so many members of family join us for our VE celebrations. Year 6 have also been creating shadow puppets in preparation to retell a story to another class. During this time, pupils showed creativity and teamwork really well. In English, pupils have written a narrative text to retell the story of the Journey with the purpose to entertain and we have also been news reporters so we can write to inform. Throughout Autumn term, our Computing unit focuses on staying safe online and understanding the impacts of the decisions that we make e.g. when posting an image.
We would also like to thank families for joining us with our maths puzzle and problem morning last week and we look forward to seeing you for our remembrance service and craft morning next half-term.
We have been really impressed with how pupils have responded to the additional maths homework that we have sent out. This will not only support their learning in class but will also help in preparation for secondary school. This will be posted on Seesaw and will be accompanied by a paper copy.
Friday 10th November - Year 6 Anti Bullying interactive play - A TELLING TALE- the anti bullying and Respect interactive play for Year 6 that covers issues of respect, self- respect, being yourself and thinking before you speak.
Don’t forget to check your Family Seesaw account for class activities and announcements. If you need a new family/home learning QR code or would like to add another family member please contact the school officeπ§