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We had so much fun during our trip to Teignmouth. Our teachers were very impressed by our wonderful behaviour.

It was lovely to have the Eco group visit us in Foundation today, we learnt so much about how plastic is damaging our oceans. We will have our eyes open on our beach trip tomorrow to spot any rubbish on the beach!

It was lovely to see so many family members at our reading morning on Tuesday, thank you so much for joining us.

Beach Trip - 26th June 2018

We had a brilliant time at our fashion show, thank you for being our audience.

We had a great time at our 'shape' morning. Thank you for joining in with our learning. We hope you got some great ideas to try at home.

Please come in to class to see our caterpillars, we would love to tell you about them.

Thank you for coming to our Number morning, we enjoyed showing you the resources we use to help us with our calculations. Please come to our shape morning on Thursday 10th May.

We enjoyed our visit from Izzy and Mrs Wain, they told us all about their trip to Goa in India. They taught us lots of things about India and showed us how to wear a sari.

Our teachers were very proud of us at our Easter show. We performed our songs and dances brilliantly and some of us were even brave enough to read out our own writing about Pennywell farm.

Look at us all ready for the Easter Parade, thank you for making our bonnets with us at home.

So many of us love trains in Foundation, so we were very excited to welcome a real train driver into our classroom. Thank you Sam's dad for telling us all about your job.

A huge thank you to Ezrah's dad for bringing his tractor in to show us. We loved finding out about his job on the farm and we were lucky enough to sit in the tractor, it was very high up!

We had a brilliant day at Pennywell farm. The staff were very impressed with our behaviour and thanked us for helping to care for their animals.

World book day. We loved sharing our favourite stories.

PE with Saints South West

Pennywell Farm - Thursday 15th March 2018

Visit to Dawlish Fire Station.

Super hero dancing on super hero day.

Our mission to the moon and beyond!

Spring Term - Newsletter and Home Learning

Christmas Craft Morning

Well done on your wonderful Nativity performance Foundation.

Learning to Read and Write in the Early Years

Phonics Meetings

We had fun hunting for dinosaurs with Davis the Explorer.

Autumn Term - Newsletter & Home Learning

Our new starters
