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English – Subject intent


At Westcliff Primary Academy, we aim to provide children with all the skills of language which are essential to participate fully as member of society.   We aim to teach pupils to speak and write fluently so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions to others and through their reading and listening, others can communicate to them.  Through the development of effective listening and reading skills, we are giving them opportunity to respond to the ideas and emotions of others.  We believe that equipping children with a strong command of the spoken and written word as well as developing their love of literature will provide the fundamental skills that are required to access all areas of learning.

The focus of our English Curriculum is driven by our belief that oracy (spoken language) underpins the development of reading and writing.    The quality and variety of language that pupils speak and hear are vital for developing their vocabulary and grammar.   Therefore, we aim to provide a rich English Curriculum that will teach children to speak and write fluently so they can communicate with others.

The English curriculum has been split into three keys areas of English.



  •  For every child to be able to communicate clearly and effectively for a range of purposes in the wider world. 
  • Use discussion in order to learn - being able to elaborate and explain clearly their thinking with others.
  • Be competent in the arts of speaking and listening express feeling and perform through poetry and drama


  • To read easily, fluently and with good understanding
  • To read for pleasure and information whilst gaining good understanding and continuing to foster a love of literature
  • Appreciate a rich and diverse range of quality texts.


  • Acquire and continually grow and build upon a wide vocabulary that communicates meaning
  • To write clearly, accurately and coherently whilst adapting their language and style for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences. 
  • To develop a love for writing for pleasure.