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Foundation 2019/20

Welcome to the Foundation Unit web page 2019/20


Here you will find copies of our newsletters and dates for your diaries! We also hope you enjoy looking at what the children have been learning about.

Unit Leader - Mrs Helen Davis

Class Teachers

Mrs Helen Davis - Warren

Mrs Debbie Harvey - Warren

Miss Polly Marshall - Haldon

Mrs Bryony Way - Haldon


Meet the Teachers

Visit to Luscombe Castle

Thank you for coming to our stay and play session. We hope you enjoyed playing with us and joining in with our learning.

As part of our Roars,Jaws and claws topic we have had Shaldon Zoo visit us with some of their animals. we were able to hold a cockroach, and African land snail and a stick insect. We also saw meal worms. We learnt about the different habitats that the animals live in and what they like to eat. we were very good at describing how the animals felt!

"The snake skin is spiky." "The snail feels slimy." 
Thank you Shaldon Zoo for coming to visit us, we really enjoyed it.

We have been practising our bat and ball skills.

We found some eggs! What will hatch from them? We have been writing down our thoughts.

We love to visit our school library each week. We choose a book to take home to share with our families.

Roars Jaws and Claws- We are enjoying our new topic. So far we have been on a Dinosaur hunt and found a T-Rex! We also have been visiting our dinosaur museum.

We made up our own Firework dances.

Earth and Beyond- We went on an adventure to space!

We have enjoyed reading stories by Julia Donaldson. Can you guess the stories from our craft?

Our Stickman hunt

New starters 2019
